
Blender Market - AnimToolBox v0.0.6.3

2025-02-10 16:46:47 label 我要反馈
Blender Market - AnimToolBox v0.0.6.3

Blender Market - AnimToolBox is an addon that enhances animation capabilities within Blender while making the entire process more efficient with the tools and workflows provided. Motion path, temp control, retime markers, and copy-paste matrices are editable features that are included. This addon is a non-linear filing system that makes rigging, motion editing, and keyframe editing easy as it can act as a temporary control rig, thus increasing the speed and quality of the edit afterwards. It is even more advanced as it improves system performance with hotkeys and a modern UI featuring coloured icons. It is easy to do all advanced keyframe manipulations in control setups with bright bake focus, making this addon indispensable for Blender animators.

Editable Motion Path: Utilize bezier handles, manipulate keyframes, and enhance functionality. Zooming, scaling, rotating, and moving are easily performed on keyframes.
Temp Controls: Performed editing is easier while baking animations in temporary rigs such as World Space Ctrls, IK, FK Setups, and Smart Bake.
Matrix Copy-Paste: Preserves positioning and distance in animations by copying and pasting world and relative matrices between objects or bones.
Temp Ctrls Switch: Adjust the influence of temp controls on the original rig.
Keyframe Offset: Adaptive keyframe offsetting is ideal for workflows that aim to be non-destructive.
Quick Bake: Smart handoff controls for keyframes and interpolation allow the setup to be baked into the original rig when the temp control sets are removed.
Sharekeys: Enables animation blocking using shared keyframes for those who utilize multiple bones or objects.
RiggerToolbox (Experimental): Includes custom rig-creating tools such as chain controls and Bbones widgets.
UI Enhancements: We added coloured icons and quick access to options, improved the menu header, and enhanced work efficiency.
