
Watercolor squares photo masks CreativeMarket-5922919 (PNG, JPG)

2025-02-10 17:03:27 label 我要反馈
Watercolor squares photo masks CreativeMarket-5922919 (PNG, JPG)

Watercolor squares photo masks CM-5922919:

  • Set of 20 creative square-shaped Photomasks at a watercolor impact
  • Wonderful tool for creative photography Jobs
  • Ideal for prints, picture, social networking, Making invitations or cards
  • Style the first layouts in a couple of moments

Bring More potential customers with initial designs - glow on social networking.

Function in almost any editing program that lets using layers (Photoshop CS & CC, Photoshop Elements, Zoner, Gimp, PicMonkey &, etc.) Photoshop Elements needs a unique plugin.


  • 20 distinct square contours photomasks
  • With watercolor impact
  • PNG files using transparent desktop
  • Ideal for cards, prints, invitations, Instagram articles, wall art, etc..
  • Layouts are 6000 x 6000px
  • 300 dpi - high resolution, excellent for prints
  • Super simple to use

VERY simple to use:

  1. Open photomask from Photoshop
  2. Put your photo on the photomask
  3. From the layers panel, choose the layer with your Photograph, right-click using the mouse on it, and choose"Create Clipping Mask"
  4. Your photograph has a rectangular shape with a Watercolor effect currently
  5. Put the dimensions and standing of your photograph Correctly
  6. You're able to add any desktop color, or feel, Rotate the contour with your photograph, etc..

Compatible Together with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop Components, Procreate, Additional

Document Type: PNG, JPG, PDF

What are Watercolor squares photo masks?

Watercolor squares photo masks refer to a design or creative technique used in digital graphics, scrapbooking, and photo editing. These masks typically consist of watercolor-style square shapes that can be placed over photographs to create artistic and visually appealing effects. Photo masks are used to blend or frame images, add texture, or create unique compositions.

These masks offer a creative way to enhance and stylize your photographs or design projects, adding texture and artistic flair to your work.
