Unity Asset - Easy Character Movement V1.8.2: Introducing Easy Character Movement, a robust and high-performance Rigidbody-based character controller designed for seamless integration into various game projects. Whether you're creating a platformer, first-person shooter, adventure game, or anything in between, Easy Character Movement offers unparalleled ease of use and flexibility.
- Rigidbody-based character controller with capsule-based colliders for smooth and realistic movement.
- Support for navigating steps and walking on surfaces with up to 89 degrees of inclination.
- Adjustable jump height and mid-air jump for added control and versatility.
- Crouch support for enhanced stealth and manoeuvrability.
- Pause and resume character interactions for dynamic gameplay scenarios.
- High-performance ground detection component capable of detecting and reporting multiple grounding cases.
- The flat-base capsule bottom prevents characters from slowly sliding off ledges.
- Configurable ledge offset determines how close/far a character can stand on a ledge without falling.
- The ground-snap feature maintains character grounding even at high speeds or on ramps.
- Seamless movement and rotation on dynamic platforms.
- Stability on slopes and consistent speed on both flat and inclined surfaces.
- Optional sliding on steep slopes for added realism.
- Base controllers for Agents (NavMeshAgent) and First-Person perspectives.
- Solid support for Root Motion animation.
- Automatic orientation to ground slopes for smooth traversal.
- Easy integration into existing projects with fully commented C# source code.
- Mobile-friendly design with minimal impact on garbage collection.
- And much more, ensuring a comprehensive solution for character movement needs in any game project.