Unity Asset - Figma Converter for Unity v3.0.10: This asset provides seamless integration between Figma and Unity, allowing you to transfer your layout from Figma to Unity in just one click.
Automatic Component Creation:
- Image.
- Unity. UI.Text.
- TextMeshPro Text.
- Button.
- InputTextField.
- HorizontalLayoutGroup.
- VerticalLayoutGroup.
- GridLayoutGroup.
Additional Features:
- Compatible with optional assets from the "Dependencies" tab.
- Works with UITK (extension to support UITK sold separately).
- Compatible with any version of Unity from 2019.1 onward.
- Compatible with any operating system.
Included Resources:
- Templates are provided within the asset.
- Detailed manuals are included in the asset and available on the developer's website.
- Preserves the hierarchy of the Figma project.
- Imports PNG and JPG files.
- Updates already imported projects.
- Creates prefabs.
- Downloads TTF fonts and creates TextMeshPro fonts.
- It avoids creating sprite duplicates.
- Automatically converts single-color sprites to white for color overlay.
- Creates scene backups.