
Blender Market – Kit Ops – Space Kpack

2025-02-10 16:47:17 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Kit Ops – Space Kpack

Blender Market – Kit Ops – Space Kpack: Inspired by Simple Sci-Fi from Chip Walters This program is intended to assist those who want to render scenes that include Plants, Moons, Asteroids, and Rings as the background. Add these overlays and start the render of your dreamy scene.

The planets are generated procedurally and some even have city emissions, while others contain lava flow emissions. The Asteroids are based on geometry and are able to be altered by changing the parameters to produce greater or lesser density fields.

  • The Day/Night The cycle of the planets
  • Asteroid Density/Scale / Rotation - using geometry nodes
  • Multiple Combinations