
Bifrost v2.12.1 for Maya 2023-2025 (Win, Mac, Linux)

2025-02-10 16:51:48 label 我要反馈
Bifrost v2.12.1 for Maya 2023-2025 (Win, Mac, Linux)

Bifrost for Maya:

Bifrost is a visual programming environment in Autodesk Maya that enables users to scatter objects to build snow, explosions, detailed environments, and realistic simulation effects. While supplying the capability to edit and create scenes, Bifrost also facilitates using USD (Universal Scene Description), enabling users to do so non-destructively.

"Bifrost" Sample:

  • Scattering and Instancing: With powerful instancing and scattering tools, set-dressing and complex environment building are made effortless.
  • Simulations and Effects: MPM, BOSS, particles, and aero can achieve natural effects such as snow, waves, and combustion.
  • Ready-to-Use Templates: Access the prebuilt graphs and compounds by creating amazing effects from the templates without the tedious designing process.
  • Geometry Nodes: Construct the geometry in Bifrost Graph, control component tags, and work at the simplest level of mesh construction.
  • Procedural USD: Edit and create USD files within Bifrost Graph to modify USD resources flexibly.
