Edit, add, delete a shift, copy, and add any number of markers you'd like. There's a missing Markers Panel in After Effects and other things!
Marker Maestro: Introducing Marker Maestro. The Lonely After Effects Markers Panel.
Marker Maestro gives you total control over your layer and Comp markers in one place. Select a layer to view all markers on the list of markers. Select all layers, and the Marker List displays all Comp markers.
Add Markers, Edit, and Delete
You can edit and remove markers using the easy interface buttons. Double-click on any marker listed in the Markers List to edit that marker.
Jump To Marker
Select a marker from the Markers List and then switch the playback head to that marker by hitting the CTI button.
Moving Markers Shift Forward and Forward In Time
With Marker Maestro Marker Maestro, you can change the position of selected markers forwards or backward in time by changing the timecode within the window for the shift. Enter the timecode of the amount you wish to shift, then press to shift. If you have markers that are comp and you've required the option of adding 27 frames here and 13 frames over there. Wouldn't you love to be able to move the four markers that are the remaining 40 frames in the timeline? It's possible!
Additionally, you can type in shorthand timecodes in the window for the shift. Input 40 frames on the 23.98 timelines, then Marker Maestro automatically transforms it into 1:16.
Copy Your Markers
Markers can be duplicated by choosing one, two, or all comp or layer markers and copying them to any layer or comp within the entire project. Bring an audio file that has markers in it. Select it in the timeline, and copy it to the comp or a different comp or layer in the project.
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