We've delved into the circuits of electronic equipment by using signal tracer devices to scan and record electronic noise as well as electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electronic equipment.
The product is in the SOUND EFFECTS category, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Carma Studio Circuit Scanners Clock Pulse WAV,
The first of a set composed of three libraries focuses on the sensation of ticking and clocking pulses crystal oscillator timing as well as another cyclic repeating to give an element of rhythm in an audio effect. The library includes the sounds of data flow that include sounds of tones, beeps pops, snaps static noise, crackles and interruption. Be cautious with your ears as some of them sound sour.
Sound effects of 61 were created as 10-second sound files that can serve as an atmosphere that is looped, whooshes, or layering to create atmospherics. The recordings were made as raw as possible while keeping all elements intact to create new designs. Ideal for data transmission and communication computers, computer circuits, Control systems, and Sci-Fi
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