
AdvArray 1.2.6 – 3ds Max Advanced Parametric Array Modifier

2025-02-10 17:06:43 label 我要反馈
AdvArray 1.2.6 – 3ds Max Advanced Parametric Array Modifier

AdvArray 1.2.6 – 3ds Max Advanced Parametric Array Modifier: The AdvArray modifier is an advanced parametric array type modifier designed for Autodesk® 3ds Max®. Filling the absence of a native parametric array modifier in 3ds Max, this tool introduces a range of advanced array features not available in the software by default; it even surpasses other third-party modifiers in certain aspects.

This modifier is versatile, catering to diverse parametric placement needs. While linear or radial arrays are standard, they extend to various oscillating arrays. Users can introduce random variation to any array and employ a path to control array placement precisely. The modifier applies to different object types, including shapes and poly/mesh geometry, and offers the flexibility to instance it across various object types for synchronized arrays. It proves particularly useful for arraying complex repeating topology, with the option to weld elements together later.

The AdvArray modifier is not limited to static arrays; it includes animation features for creating dynamic motion graphics. Additionally, advanced functionalities are incorporated for controlling material IDs and offsetting UVs, adding an extra layer of control and customization to the arraying process.
