
AeScripts Discotext v1.2.4 (WIN, MAC)

2025-02-10 17:08:58 label 我要反馈
AeScripts Discotext v1.2.4 (WIN, MAC)

AeScripts Discotext v1.2.4 (WIN, MAC): Discotext is a Trimming paths Plug for live text layers, Letting One cut, cancel, stagger and replicate your text layers together with controls that feel comfortable to each After Effects user.

Is context is a trimming Path plugin for live text layers.

Inspired by the trimming Path controls for contour layers, Discotext lets you cut, cancel, stagger and replicate your text layers together with controls that sense comfortable to each After Effects user.

Gfx plugin details of AeScripts Discotext v1.2.4 (WIN, MAC)

The product is in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to AeScripts Discotext v1.2.4 (WIN, MAC), 

Does this product work on Windowns and Mac Os? We mostly include the operating system in the title. if it is not written, it will work on Windows, and you can  for the Mac version.

  • Start, End, and offset controls
  • Butt, Square, and Round cap fashions
  • Total dashboard, gap, and offset options
  • Stagger per route and order-modifier controls
  • Clone and cancel Duplicates with strong transform controls
  • Compatible with most Text animator properties
  • 8, 16 & 32bpc Harmonious
  • Complete motion-blur Controls including samples, angle, and stage


  • In the AE models below CC2018, text layers together with parented changes might not act as expected (determined by the parented transform). This is a technical limitation that's been solved in CC2018 and newer.
  • 3D Text has to be precomposed before being counter in Z

New Changes:

  • Threading bug if random offsets were enabled
  • Update license framework
  • Add support for MFR (Multi-frame rendering) in AE 2022
  • Bug fix
