
Unity Asset - Animal Controller (Malbers Character Controller) v1.4.6

2025-02-10 16:59:42 label 我要反馈
Unity Asset - Animal Controller (Malbers Character Controller) v1.4.6

Unity Asset - Animal Controller (Malbers Character Controller) v1.4.6: The Character Controller based on Scriptable Architecture is a versatile framework designed to handle animations for creatures and humanoid characters, whether utilizing root-motion or in-place. Serving as the foundation for various assets, it can also be integrated with other characters available in the Asset Store.

Utilizing a Scriptable Architecture, this asset offers modular features that can be easily added or removed to tailor to the specific requirements of your projects. With a comprehensive set of over 100 tools included, developers can address any scenario without the need for manual coding.

Drawing from over five years of development, the Character Controller has been meticulously crafted to deliver a seamless and highly customizable experience, enhancing the functionality of all associated assets.

The controller operates on the principles of States, Modes, and Stances:

  • States encompass various animations with specific logic, such as Locomotion, Idle, Jump, Fall, Fly, Swim, Climb, Glide, Death, and more.
  • Modes represent animations used concurrently with state animations, including Main Attacks, Secondary Attacks, Hits, Actions, emotes, etc.
  • Stances denote animations that alter the appearance of states, allowing for variations like crouched, wounded, or sneak animations.

By leveraging these features, developers can create a unified character controller with extensive customization options, elevating the quality and immersion of their projects.
