Unity Asset - Script Inspector 3 (Si3) was a finalist in the 2015 Unity Awards. Si3 is an advanced integrated development environment (IDE) for scripts, shaders, and text assets, fully integrated within the Unity Editor.
How to use scripts and tools to design your project?
You can use "Unity Asset - Script Inspector" to design your project.
It features context-sensitive auto-completion for C# scripts and a suite of tools, key bindings, and mouse handling. Si3 boasts a custom advanced C# parsing and code analysis engine, utilizing a hybrid approach. NET's Reflection and incremental syntactic and semantic analysis techniques, make it faster than other IDEs, including Visual Studio.
"Unity Asset - Script Inspector" Samples:
Key features include automatic code completion, customizable code snippets, code generators for Unity methods, auto-closing braces, auto-indent, automated saving and reloading, an inspection of static and MonoBehaviour fields, unlimited undo/redo buffers, quick call-stack navigation, code symbols navigation, go-to definition, find all references, syntax and error highlighting, version control integration, and more. Si3 enhances the Unity programming experience by providing instant feedback and seamless script management within the Unity Editor.