The Unity 3D-Models Characters 5 offers a package of 25 unique 3D characters, including 13 men and 12 women, optimized for game engines, VR/AR, advertising, and marketing.
How to add walking, dancing, and sadness to your project using characters?
You can design your project using "Unity 3D-Models Characters 5".
Features include Unity-compatible Humanoid skeletons, "Mixamo"-supporting FBX models, easy color customization via UV maps, logical pivot placement, and named models. The rig comprises 63 bones, with custom rigs available. The geometry totals 253k triangles. Models are adapted for "Mixamo" animations, with included animations for idle, run, walk, dance, sad, and win, all looped. Real-world scale and a single 1024 px color palette texture are used. Custom animation services are offered.
"Unity 3D-Models Characters 5" Samples: