
Classic CineStock Profiles for Lightroom - The Classic Presets

2025-02-10 16:46:17 label 我要反馈
Classic CineStock Profiles for Lightroom - The Classic Presets

This profile is compatible on Lightroom C, Lightroom Classic CC 7.3 and Adobe CameraRAW 10.3 or greater. Lightroom 6.14 is not supported! For use in conjunction with Lightroom Mobile, you'll need a Lightroom CC or Classic CC running on Windows as well as OS X.

Since the release of 'O Brother, Where is Thou digital color grading has become a hot topic within the motion pictures. The most beloved films of ours include all the series we watch on Netflix that make us fall to sleep every day - all of them have distinctive designs that reflect their visual appeal of their story, and their amazing magic.

Gfx plugin details of The Classic Presets – Classic CineStock Profiles for Lightroom
The product is in Lightroom category , for more information about this post you can click the home page link in the sidebar.

The classic CineStock profiles are not just a way to illustrate films. They incorporate color theory and color patterns that we associate with our amazing trips to the cinema. The carefully designed profiles give stunningly polished looks and also offer an array of options for correction, making these profiles more than just an exquisite tool but also a possible basis for your own distinctive designs.

50 profiles give you a vast variety of different styles, regardless of whether you're seeking natural, or teal and orange hues, you'll always be able to find the color schemes that we have all come to know and enjoy from movies. The current version does not offer camera profiles that are pure like our Classic K14 and ECN2 presets. The Classic CineStock profiles feature a new feature that allows you to use LUTs that are associated with Adobe's camera profile, which was added within Lightroom Classic CC 7.3. What you create with Photoshop and DaVinci Resolve can only be transferred to Lightroom in a static appearance. Any camera supported by Lightroom can use these profiles. Of course, they can be used together with Lightroom CC and Adobe Camera RAW too.
