
Aescripts Textor v1.1.6 Full + Tutorials

2025-02-10 17:12:29 label 我要反馈
Aescripts Textor v1.1.6 Full + Tutorials

Aescripts Textor v1.1.6 Full + Tutorials: Create amazing text animations within a matter of minutes using sliders! Save them and then apply them to every text element!

Gfx plugin details of Aescripts Textor v1.1.6 Full + Tutorials

The product is in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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  • Textor is an animated text tool that works with After Effects.
  • Textor is slider-based and does not require you to alter keyframes' values! Simply move the sliders, and Textor will be able to animate the sliders' properties.
  • It is the Tab for Transform and on the Fx tablet allows you to animate a variety of types of properties. The Behavior tablets can be used to control animations: range delay, ease, bounce, elements order, and more.
  • Textor also comes with a one-click Random animation generator that generates random text animations depending on the properties you decide to randomize, as well as the limit you specify.
  • Presets tab Tab Presets allows you to manage animations. You can save, delete or rename, export, as well as import animations.
  • Textor is scale-independent. It employs animation presets while keeping in mind the size of the composition and text size. This means that the animation will always be identical, regardless of the dimensions of the elements.


  • No script version updated.
