
Blender Market - Point Cloud Visualizer

2025-02-10 16:40:32 label 我要反馈
Blender Market - Point Cloud Visualizer

Blender Market - Point Cloud Visualizer

Elevate your point cloud editing experience with our versatile toolkit for Blender. Here are the key features that enhance your ability to display, edit, filter, render, convert, generate, and export colored point cloud PLY files.

Display and Rendering:

  • Display hundreds of millions of colored points in the 3D viewport, limited only by system and GPU memory.
  • Utilize any Blender object as a container for points, maintaining optimal performance.
  • Support a range of file formats for reading: PLY, LAS/LAZ, E57, PCD, and any text-based format like PTS, XYZ, TXT, and CSV.
  • Custom PLY reader/writer optimized for point data and performance.
  • Visualization and Shading: Employ various shaders for displaying points, including options to show point normals, use clipping planes, and display scalar values with value remapping and color schemes.
  • Mesh Retopology: Utilize mesh retopology tools that leverage vertex snapping to points and custom shaders drawn over points.
  • Editing and Cleanup: Directly clean up points with modal selection tools or use Blender edit mode with a temporary mesh linked with points.
  • Apply editing filters such as subsample, voxelize, slice points, crop, boolean operations, color adjustment, removal by color or value, project on mesh, remove duplicates, estimate normals, point set registration, and surface reconstruction.
  • Rendering and Conversion: Render with the built-in OpenGL rendering to image or image sequences with viewport or transparent backgrounds.
  • Convert points to various Blender data types, including mesh, instance, particle system, Geometry Nodes instances, and Geometry node points for compatibility with any render engine.
  • Point Cloud Generation: Generate point clouds from mesh surfaces, mesh volumes, particle systems, and Geometry Nodes vertices with attributes.
  • Sequences and Export: Work seamlessly with PLY sequences, enabling playback, batch conversion, filtering, and export.
  • Debugging and Control: Utilize the toolkit as a debugging tool to display 3D location, normal, and color data with an easy-to-use controller class.
