
Unity asset - Dynamic Effects for Stylized Water 2 Extension v1.1.0

2025-02-10 16:57:27 label 我要反馈
Unity asset - Dynamic Effects for Stylized Water 2 Extension v1.1.0

Unity asset - Dynamic Effects for Stylized Water 2 Extension v1.1.0: Extend the capabilities of the Stylized Water 2 asset with a dynamic and interactive effects framework, enabling the addition of ripples, wakes, and shore waves. This enhancement offers compatibility across various render pipelines, including the Universal Render Pipeline (URP), leveraging its shader library and rendering API for seamless integration.

Unlock the potential to enhance water surfaces with localized effects responding to creativity, enriching environments, and providing gameplay feedback. Dynamic Effects, implemented as regular scene objects like meshes, particles, lines, and trails, utilize specialized shaders to project onto the water surface. These effects can be placed and manipulated freely, allowing for vertical displacement and surface foam addition, resulting in a diverse range of effects.

This extension for Stylized Water 2 provides a rendering framework and offers pre-built effects to expedite development. Fully compatible with the Underwater Rendering extension, it enables the creation of immersive water environments with ease.

Key features include using particle effects and trails to manipulate the water's surface and recalculate normals for accurate shading. Pre-made effects include beach shoreline waves, boat wakes, ripple trails for swimming characters, impact ripples, raindrops, wind gusts, waterfall impact ripples, and directional ripples. With this framework, developers can create dynamic and captivating water scenes that elevate their projects' visual quality and realism.
