
Field and Foley Sounds of the Jurassic

2025-02-10 17:03:57 label 我要反馈
Field and Foley Sounds of the Jurassic

Field and Foley Sounds of the Jurassic: The dinosaurs roamed the globe once more. It's a must! Experience the sounds of life as it used to be around 300 million years ago! This vast collection of dinosaur sounds features everything from grunts, roars, eating sounds, giant footsteps, and contextual background noise to ensure your dinosaurs have a place to call home.

Gfx plugin details of Field and Foley Sounds of the Jurassic

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Included files 

  • Ambience
  • Dinosaurs
  • Eating
  • Footsteps


  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_azure.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_black.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_blue.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_green.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_orange.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_pink.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_purple.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_red.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_scarlet.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_silver.wav
  • Ambience\rain\FF_SJ_ambience_rain_white.wav

and much more

What is Field and Foley Sounds of the Jurassic

The field and foley sounds of the Jurassic period are sounds associated with the environment and creatures that existed during the Jurassic period, which lasted from approximately 201 to 145 million years ago. These sounds are typically used in movies, documentaries, and other forms of media to create a realistic audio atmosphere for scenes set in the Jurassic era. They aim to give viewers a sense of what it might have been like to be in that prehistoric world.
