
Online Learning Course Promo (Videohive 42951508)

2025-02-10 17:13:59 label 我要反馈
Online Learning Course Promo (Videohive 42951508)

Online Learning Course Promo (Videohive 42951508): The perfect platform for promoting online courses, distance learning, tutorials, and education. Distance education, also known as distance learning, is the learning of students who might not be physically present at school. Traditionally, this would involve correspondence courses in which students communicated with the school via email, and it is now a form of online education.
With this template, you can create a PowerPoint for your online school or interactive learning. You can also create promotional materials for online classes (MOOCs) that offer large-scale open access and interactive participation via internet access World Wide Web or other networks. These are the most current learning methods in distance education.

  • If you own Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 and above, you do not need to have the installed Adobe After Effects software.
  • 1080p (1920x1080) resolution
  • There are no plugins are required
  • pdf Help file is included
  • Change All Settings using the Control Layer (Color Control)
  • It is necessary to install fonts before running your project!
  • Utilized No-cost Fonts (Font hyperlinks included)
  • used music, images, and Videos are only for preview and are not included in the project file.
  • 0:49 min default duration (49 seconds)
  • Ten placeholders to media (photo or video)
  • Twelve scenes, with titles you can alter as you wish