
Gumroad – Transforming Photos into Stylized 3D Characters

2025-02-10 16:41:17 label 我要反馈
Gumroad – Transforming Photos into Stylized 3D Characters

Transforming Photos into Stylized 3D Characters: This live walk-through includes actionable and in-context explanations of my ideas and methods when making this design, from sketch to finished painting.

I take you inside my thinking process, where I share my methods and, more importantly, ' the reason I'm doing specific actions which otherwise would have been difficult or lengthy to handle in the medium of social media or a short video.

In this 7+ hour walk-through, I aim to answer these questions in the context of drawing the character by hand.

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The lessons you'll be learning How to use What you'll learn:

  • The artists who were in my list of references to illustrate this image.
  • My thoughts on ' thinking in 3D' (accompanied by some 3D models to learn from)
  • How I view lines of work and some strategies to create "dynamic" line-work
  • My thinking process about creating an illusion that resembles the light (rendering)
  • How having a clear mind can lead to more efficient work
  • ' finishing' the illustration, and adding cool things such as 'rim lights'
  • Tips for technical issues with layers modes and layers organization (demonstrated using both Photoshop and Procreate; however, it applies to the majority of painting software)
  • The tools I employed
  • I'll be sharing a few of the top sources that have personally helped me in areas such as anatomy and rendering for you to dig deeper into

What's Included (The All-Inclusive Package):

  • 7+ hours walk-through video split into digestible chapters
  • 40+ pages Field Guide (PDF), which allows you to study through these videos (something I enjoy periodically )
  • This Walk-through Photoshop file
  • Procreate Techniques video which maps to ones in the walk-through with Photoshop
  • The complete original recorded video (no narration)
  • Experimental bonus 3D modeled anatomy study images
  • only for a limited duration ( 48 hours after launch) Sketch Note Collection from March 2021 to August 2022
