PBR Painter can be described as a simple but powerful extension that allows simple and quick PBR texturing inside Blender. It employs a layer-based multichannel design that allows you to alter all the channels of the PBR material (albedo roughness, albedo, and normals, emission, etc.) in one go using the addons' simple interface. Materials can be built from scratch by using pre-built PBR texture maps and/or by creating procedural textures in separate batches on each channel.
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PBR Painter automatically generates and manages complex node configurations that give you total control over the entire aspect of each channel. It allows you to combine normals from stacked layers, manage the opacity of each channel in any layer create intricate layers of masks and so on. This allows you to have complete control over all aspects of material properties without needing to create any single node manually.
v.2.4 New Features:
How to install
1. Open the software, click Edit (EDIT) → Preference → Plug-in (AADD-ONS) → Install
2. Restart Blender; you can see the installed plug-in in the file → user settings → plug-in