Unreal engine - XGXunFeiLink v2.0: Introducing the iFlyTek (KeDaXunFei) Web API plugin, designed to facilitate seamless integration with a variety of functionalities. The plugin currently supports Spark Big Model, Automatic Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Face Recognition, Character Recognition, and Image Recognition.
Please note that this plugin does not support network replication.
- It provides over nine main blueprint methods to initiate and stop real-time speech text.
- Offers two main Blueprint Async Nodes for generating voice from text.
- Includes more than six main Blueprint Async Nodes for communication with Spark.
- Utilizes WebSocket to connect with the iFlyTek Web API.
- Supports various settings from the iFlyTek Web API.
- Includes code modules such as [XGXunFeiBase], [XGXunFeiCore], [XGXunFeiSTT], [XGXunFeiTTS], [XGXunFeiASRG], [XGXunFeiTTSG], [XGXunFeiSpark], [XGXunFeiFR], [XGXunFeiTR], [XGXunFeiIR], and [XGXunFeiLink].
- Number of C++ Classes: 30 (or more)
- Supported Development Platforms: Windows
- Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows