Aescripts Masks to Cropped Layers II v2.1: Masks for Cropped Layers II is a program that assists in animating vector graphics and improving the efficiency of VFX Compositing. It can be used on layers with multiple masks, such as when the artwork is copied from Illustrator or when Mocha tracks regions. Every mask gets copied onto the newly created layer (for animation) or is used to create an existing pre-comp. Each layer is reduced in size, allowing animation flexibility and dramatically improving performance.
How would each layer be filled with the stroke effect applied and animate as a traditional After Effects layer?
You can use "Aescripts Masks to Cropped Layers."
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
The product is in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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Does this product work on Windows and Mac OS? We mostly include the operating system in the title. If it is not written, it will work on Windows, and you can for the Mac version.
Masks that are Cropped Layers II is a tool for layers with multiple masks.
Each layer mask can make a brand-new layer with only one mask. The new layers are either pre-comps or solids.
When you create the new solid or pre-comp, that size is determined then the layer created is cropped to match the dimensions.
Masks to cropped layers have two primary functions: it is an animation tool to create artwork in vector format, specifically artwork pasted from Illustrator; however, it can also be used to improve the performance of VFX projects. In both instances, the objective is to boost performance in After Effects by creating pre-comps or layers that are only as large as required. By trimming layers in dimensions to eliminate areas that aren't used, After Effects isn't wasting time processing pixels that aren't being used.
If you're animating vector art, the script splits multiple masks in one layer into individual solids. Each layer will be filled with the stroke effect applied and animated as a traditional After Effects layer.
If you're performing VFX work, such as cleaning-ups, rotoscoping, tracking, or any other work limited to a specific area of the plate, you can use masks to cover the work area. The script can generate new pre-comps cropped to size for the mask. Using these pre-comps as the source for your effects will speed up your work and give you more RAM previews.
How to install
Masks to Cropped Layers II is a script with an interface.
To install the script, copy it to the ScriptUI Panels folder, which is inside the “Scripts” folder. The file location is slightly different on Macs and Windows.
If you are using After Effects CC 2019 or newer, you can install the script from within After Effects from the file menu:
“File -> Scripts -> Install ScriptUI Panel”
What is Aescripts Masks to Cropped Layers?
Aescripts is a platform that offers various scripts, plugins, and tools for After Effects and other motion graphics software.
If "Masks to Cropped Layers" is a tool developed by Aescripts, it is likely designed to assist users in converting masks into cropped layers within Adobe After Effects. This kind of functionality can be useful for streamlining the workflow in motion graphics and video editing.