Dominik Garban – DGX Lightroom Presets Vol. II: In this bundle, you'll discover five colors and one white and black style (incl. DNG files that have a look to Lightroom Mobile).
By using these settings, you'll be able to get back to looking great with the vintage look.
Portraits photographs of lifestyle, landscape, and portraits were taken in natural daylight – these styles are designed for it!
The product is in the Lightroom category, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Dominik Garban – DGX Lightroom Presets Vol. II,
The Black and White preset will give you the impression of making a film in 1970.
Of course, specific "tools" such as different grain or vignetting or even added color grading are included within the scope of delivery
For a little extra, I am offering some of my Lightroom brushes ( for Lightroom Classic! ) in a Deluxe package. With these brushes that are ready-made
you could, e.g., For instance, edit (soft skin, eye pop) ...) directly within Lightroom in very little time.