
The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit)

2025-02-10 16:38:02 label 我要反馈
The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit)

The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit): The44thfloor has a second collection of exclusive and unique single shots taken by The Vintage Synthesizer Museum in Oakland, CA. In Color contains 200 images created and edited using vintage analog synthesizers and microphones, analog preamps, cassette decks, and tape machines.

How to use kits to produce music in sound effects?

You can use "The44thfloor In Color".

Where can I download the product?

After subscription, You can download it for free from here.

Gfx plugin details of The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit)

The product is in the SOUND EFFECTS category, for more information about this post, you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit), 

The kit includes the sounds of:

Arp Rhodes Chroma Moog Memorymoog, Wurlitzer 200a, Yamaha DX1, Mellotron, Yamaha CS-80, Roland Jupiter-8, Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, and many other highly sought-after instruments.

Included file:

  • Bass
  • Bell
  • Flute
  • Guitar
  • Piano
  • Pluck
  • Synth
  • Vintage Synth Museum (Raw Takes)

What is The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit)?

"The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit)" appears to be a collection of exclusive and unique single-shot samples, capturing sounds from vintage synthesizers and recording equipment. The samples have been created and edited using analog synthesizers, microphones, preamps, cassette decks, and tape machines, providing a vintage and analog character to the sounds.
