
Aescripts Super Lines v1.4.9 (Win, Mac)

2025-02-10 17:01:57 label 我要反馈
Aescripts Super Lines v1.4.9 (Win, Mac)

Aescripts Super lines: Make smooth lines animations easily and fast.

Use it for adjustments, lettering, rate lines for Moving items, and a whole lot more.

Super Lines will add fun and flair to any cartoon

Gfx plugin details of Aescripts Super Lines v1.4.9 (Win, Mac)

The product is in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Aescripts Super Lines v1.4.9 (Win, Mac), Does this product work on Windowns and Mac Os? We mostly include the operating system in the title. if it is not written, it will work on Windows, and you can  for the Mac version.

  • Two distinct styles: animation and abstract.
  • Additional types (reverse,equally,regular) and infinite variations
  • Everything Is Made with shape layers
  • Shape modifiers service

Update: 1.1

CC2018 support

(bugfix) Installing presets On a few machines. Now it is working correctly.

New Changes:

  • Fixed issue, when opening projects from ae with one language in ae with another language
  • Fixed JSON issue
  • Fixed issue, when it was impossible to change path direction after generation on random style
