Explainer Hands (Videohive 9115609)
Explainer Hands:
- 25 Unique Contemporary Compositions
- 36 Motion Shapes Contained
- Extended Shadow Version Accessible
- CS5 CS5.5 CS6 CC Compatible Project
- Complete HD resolution (1920×1080)
- No plugins needed.
- Fully Customizable.
- Properly Organized Project.
- Easy Controller
- Universalized Controller Included (Compatible with almost any vocabulary )
- Tutorial with voice included.
Job Contains:
- 25 Unique Contemporary Compositions
- 1 Logo Placeholder
Controller Attributes:
- Hand_Color_1
- Hand_Color_2
- Hand_Color_3
- Color_1
- Color_2
- Color_3
- Color_4
- Color_5
- Background_Color
- Underlines_ON (Checkbox)
- Underlines_Color
- Long_Shadow_ON (Checkbox)
- Shadow_Color
- Shadow_Angle
- Shadow_Length
- Shadow_Opacity
- Hands_Shadow_Opacity
- Texture_ON (Checkbox)
- Texture_Opacity