
Articulated Sounds – Winter Forest

2025-02-10 17:07:43 label 我要反馈
Articulated Sounds – Winter Forest

Articulated Sounds – Winter Forest:

When the cold of the season resides on the earth and nature spreads its endless white blanket; days and nights never cease.

Articulated offers here an ambient audio library that is part of the series "Wonders of Nature which captures the captivating nature of winter's dormant forests. "Winter forest" is not solely about silence. It lets you experience the delicate flow of the lone nature. Over 2 years, we documented the northern woods forest in the Laurentian in Canada.

Gfx plugin details of Articulated Sounds – Winter Forest

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We captured cold breezes, sparse birds, north woods atmospherics, and creaking barks. We also captured frigid rain, raven vocalizations and crows, wolves, and long, cold silences. They all echo through these unique scenes of peace. We were careful to capture various times of day as well as various settings and different weather conditions such as blizzards, wind freezing rain, snow, and stillness.

It is also available as stereo and surrounds (Quad and 5.1).

  • 25 immersive, high-quality atmospheres derived from pure northern wilderness.
  • Different settings, locations, and times of the day were observed between January and March.
  • Bird species that are recognized through well-grounded metadata
  • Long and cold silences and arouse large flocks of birds
  • Beautiful, freezing rain is pouring across the tree.
  • Some breezes and some lovely creaking branches.
  • Many ravens and nightly wolves. vocalizations
