Aescripts Fresh Trim v1.3: Fresh Trim is designed to help organize your timeline by quickly trimming layers according to various features. You can trim the out-point and in-point of a layer using the correlating button in all options. You can also cut only the in-point by pressing CTRL and the point out by pressing the alt key.
How do you cut the selected layers to each layer's top and bottom lines?
You can perform the trimming operation using "Aescripts Fresh Trim."
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
Gfx plugin details of Aescripts Fresh Trim
The product is in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Aescripts Fresh Trim,
Does this product work on Windows and Mac OS? We mostly include the operating system in the title. If it is not written, it will work on Windows, and you can for the Mac version.
New Changes:
- Bug Fix: Trim Comp to Selection
- Trim to Comp Now ask if locked layers must be moved
- A more compact UI
- License Framework Update
- Trim to Keys - Cut selected layers down to the top and bottom keyframes on the layer. Keys
- Trim to Parent - Cut selected layers that are children will be cut to the layer of the parent layer.Parent
- Trim to Children - Cut selected parent layers until the first entry point and the child layers' final in-point.Children
- Trim to Matte - Reduce the layers selected to create the matte layer.
- Trim to Matted - Trim chosen matte layers to the top and last points of all matted layers.Matted
- Trim to Zero - Reduce the selected layers until the last and first keyframes for opacity and scale, using an amount of zero. Zero
- Trim to Selection - Cut the layer you have selected from the first in-point to the last point of the selected layers.Selection
- Trim to Markers - Trim the selected layers to each layer's top and bottom lines.
- Trim to Above - The layer is cut to match the layer over the selected layer. Only one layer is selected. Above
- Trim to Below - Cut the layer to align with the layer below the layer you are currently selecting. Only one layer is selected. Below
- Update 1.2 - Five new options add five new modes to Fresh Trim, making 15 total options.
- Trim Selection to CTI - Trim-selected layers to CTI with the same offset on each layer or add frames to both input and output points simultaneously at the same time.CTI
- Trim to Comp - Cut selected layers to the longitude of the piece.
- Trim Comp to Selection - Cut the Comp down to the layers that you've selected. If no layers are selected, your Comp is cut to fit all layers of the Comp. Trim Comp
- Trim to Work Area - Cut selected layers off for use in the working area.Work Area
- Trim Work Area to Selection - Cut the work area down to the layer you want to use.
What is Aescripts Fresh Trim?
Aescripts is a platform that offers a variety of scripts and plugins for motion graphics, animation, and visual effects software, particularly Adobe After Effects. These scripts and plugins are created by third-party developers and designed to enhance the software's functionality.
"Fresh Trim" could be a script or plugin developed by Aescripts or a third party designed for trimming or editing tasks in video editing or motion graphics. The term "trim" is commonly associated with adjusting a video clip's in and out points or a layer in video editing software.