
History Timeline Apple Motion (Videohive 38665849)

2025-02-10 17:01:12 label 我要反馈
History Timeline Apple Motion (Videohive 38665849)

History Timeline Apple Motion (Videohive 38665849): "History Timeline" is a user-friendly Apple Motion 5.5.3 and Latest FCPX compatible project that can be used to design your own Organization Timeline, Timeline Videos openings, promos, and intros. Make your Slideshow or presentation about History and Memories or Family Timeline for your loved ones to create nostalgic memories in the eyes of viewers. The slideshow can be used to recap the year's highlights to be presented at your company's meetings, and seminars, or even give reports or efforts during annual meetings. They can demonstrate how the project is progressing and showcase the significant incidents that occurred in the previous years for your non-profit organization or the society you belong to. It can be used in your YouTube Channels or Video Blogs and inform your viewers of the history and revive the feeling of nostalgia. It is also useful for creating a documentary of your company and its work to benefit society. Ideal to use for Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans day videos. It is useful to create slideshows of photos or videos (with a mixture of landscape and portrait photos) and showreels for special occasions like birthdays and family get-togethers. Ideal for creating slideshows of photos or videos as well as show reels for other events that are special.

Gfx plugin details of History Timeline Apple Motion (Videohive 38665849)

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To search for similar products to History Timeline Apple Motion (Videohive 38665849), 

  • Compatible with Apple Motion 5.5.3
  • Compatible with the latest FCPX Version
  • High Definition 1920x1080.
  • Modular Structure. 12 Scenes
  • There are no Third Party plugins used.
  • Easy to make use of
  • It is easy to modify and personalize the project, it is well organized
  • It is easy to edit and modify the tint color values and text, year-base solid colors
  • Help file that is easy to comprehend with reference images that you'll be able to easily modify this template
