
Archipelago Quest – Quest 22 Halite

2025-02-10 16:57:11 label 我要反馈
Archipelago Quest – Quest 22 Halite

Archipelago Quest – Quest 22 Halite: Rystalline-colored expanses of minerals that have shone in the sun for thousands of years. They are both coarse and delicate, and the salt flats provide an environment of different shades. The seemingly timeless salt flats have inspired Halite Presets, developed by Richard McDowell.

Gfx plugin details of Archipelago Quest – Quest 22 Halite

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Halite Presets contain built-in AI masks with four colors, two black and white presets, three profiles with a unique design, and three tools for adding the final touch to your editing. AI masks in each preset employ Adobe's Subject and Background masking options to create and define the contrast between background and subject.

  • Halite 01 - cool and airy and minty greens, butter yellows, as well as Pink Himalayan salt mid-tones
  • Halite 02 - general amber tones all over, denim blues greens from moss
  • Halite 03 - soft, muted shadows and highlights to create a soft palette. desaturated ultramarine blues
  • Halite 04: poppy reds, lively teal greens, faded pthalo blues, brilliant highlights, and citrus overtones
  • Halite 2005 - neutral black and white, with vibrant Sea Salt highlights, Onyx blacks
  • Halite 06 neutral, high contrast white and black with muted Sel Gris highlight as well as Hawaiian Black Salt shadows

Persian Blue Halite Skies - Add Teal Persian blue hues to your sky. Halite Finish: add a slight dusting of film dust and scratches to your image's Halite Profile; reduce to less contrast, more muted highlights, and minty greens, or increase to give more contrast and an increase in honey and chartreuse hues with deepened shadows. Halite S Profile - reduce to get softer, cooler pastel tones or increase to give an explosion of contrast and amber and olive tones. BW Profile - reduce or increase contrast and definition to change from a light and bright white and black with a lifted shadow to a striking black and white with deepened shadows.
