Normality is an extremely powerful plug-in that allows Motion Graphics artists to illuminate 3D objects and scenes inside Adobe After Effects. It is a common Adobe After Effects environment through the use of normal passes as well as advanced methods of relighting.
How to do short films in After Effects?
you can use 3DCG – Normality.
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
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The software has been proven in production and employed for projects ranging from short films for students to large-scale commercial projects. Animation studios all over the world have employed Normality for their productions, such as Studio Lampion and CGCG, Pendulum, Studio Lampion, and Polygon Pictures.
What is 3DCG – Normality?
In the context of 3DCG (3D Computer Graphics), "normality" typically refers to the concept of surface normals. Surface normals are vectors that are perpendicular to the surface of 3D objects. They are a fundamental component of 3D graphics, used to determine how light interacts with the surfaces of 3D models.