Blender Market – Baketool v2.50: BakeTool is an In-House solution created by Cogumelo Softworks for Bake rendering with Cycles and Bi. For those who are involved in Interactive Ambient, Arch Viz, and Games... and require an integrated Blender Baking solution for your Assets, Full Scenes, and Low Poly to High Normal Maps with Poly and other Bake Tools is the solution you require.
Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – Baketool v2.50
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Installation Method:
- 1. Open the software, click Edit (EDIT) → Preference → Plug-in (AADD-ONS) → Install
- 2. Restart Blender, you can see the installed plug-in in the file → user settings → plug-in
What exactly is the BakeTool?
BakeTool It is an extension feature for Blender that changes the way Blender Bake works with an easier and more consistent workflow.
Do I Need It?
The way Cycles or BI Bake workflow works today is slow and difficult to handle large-scale scenes and daily use. If you're looking to bake your scenes or assets in a simpler, faster, safer, and speedier manner, then BakeTool is the tool you're looking for.
What features does BakeTool Are Equipped With?
BakeTool was created to serve as the In House Solution, and it comes with everything studios require to bake your scenes, such as:
- Multi-Render Baketool was the very first multi-render Bake tool for Blender. It supports both Blender Internal Render (Blender 2.7x) as well as Cycles (Blender 2.7x and Blender 2.8). CyclesX (Blender 3.0)
- "[NEW] Experimental CyclesX Denoise. Support for Combined Pass using the "Expert" mode.
- (NEW) Non-Blocking Viewport Report View the progression through the viewport by using our customized interactive report system, even as you use a blender!
- [NEW [NEW PBR Bake! Bake standard PBR maps that include channels that aren't accessible in Blender's bake systems, such as Metallic as well as ID Map.
- [NEWAnti Aliasing: Super Sampling Anti-aliasing is now available on Bake!
- Secure and Simple: BakeTool doesn't mess up your scene, materials, or even objects. Simply set it up to render, and then bake!
- Multi Job and Multi-Pass Create multiple passes and jobs by setting objects, devices, sizes, and sample sizes to bake everything at once!
- Complete Scenes or Assets Add the items you want to bake to the list by clicking the "Selected to List" or "Selected to List" button.
- Single and Atlas Mode: You can bake objects as individual Textures per pass or join everything into a single Atlas for a single pass.
- Bake To Target Are you looking to bake Low to High Poly models or Bake to a single object? Use the Bake-to-Target feature!
- [NEWAuto Save Externally, and load in your scene: Don't mess up your texture library. 100% secure for both external and internal saves.
- Automatic Config Format for Images: Select the format, and we will alter the parameters to provide you with your file's highest quality and size.
- [NEW] Per Pass Color Space and Automated Color Correction PBR, along with Normal maps, have specific requirements for color space in each engine. Now you can set them up for each texture!
- Automated UV Unwrap for Atlas and Objects: Automatically create and unwrap UVs that are not overlapped with your objects and your atlas. Accelerate your workflow considerably!