Aescripts Save Objects v2.2.1: Save layers, compositions, and properties using live preview.
Presets, Fonts, and Masks markers Keyframes Interpolation, Expressions as well as JSX code can be saved using the capability to modify the entire value.
+ All viewers for files
- Save layers, compositions, and properties using live preview.
- Save Presets, Fonts Markers, Masks, Presets Keyframes interpolation, Expressions, and JSX codes that allow you to alter their values.
- This extension lets you save any comps and layers (and even a lot of layers) as well as all properties with live preview. You can then apply them to other projects.
- You can save your saved items to make use of them again later.
- Includes a free upgrade package with a myriad of pre-made layers and pre-sets.
- Automatically reduce project size using the Collect methods for files.
- The Fonts can also be taken care of.
- A media browser for After Effects. Apply, preview, and import preset projects and media files in a single click.
Save Compositions and Layers
with a live preview
This extension lets you save any comps and layers (and even a plethora of layers) and properties that have live previews. You can then apply them to other projects.
Automatically reduce project size by using Collect methods for files.
Fonts are taken in.
- Conserve Compositions
- Save Layers
- Keep a few layers
- Reduce the project's size by Collect files
- Collect Fonts
- Import your templates