
Unity Asset - Optimizers v2.2.2

2025-02-10 16:59:11 label 我要反馈
Unity Asset - Optimizers v2.2.2

Unity Asset - Optimizers v2.2.2: The package is compatible with all render pipelines, including the Built-in Render Pipeline, Universal Render Pipeline (URP), High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), and Custom Render Pipelines. If you're not using the Built-in Render Pipeline, you may need to convert example model materials for your specific SRP.

Additional Compatibility Information:

  • The Optimizers package works seamlessly with all render pipelines, allowing you to cull, deactivate, or activate and adjust quality based on distance or visibility for anything within your project's scenes.
  • Optimizers can optimize various components, including lights, particle systems, multiple terrains (excluding single big terrains), renderers, NavMesh agents, script components, and more.
  • This system utilizes Unity's CullingGroups API and other intelligent techniques to ensure optimization logics are implemented in the most performant way possible.
  • With the easy-to-use custom inspector window, you can set up your Level Of Detail (LOD) settings without requiring extensive knowledge about optimization. Programmers can also use it as a framework to create their optimization methods and handle settings for different LOD levels, culling state logic, etc.
  • The package does not generate lower LOD levels for meshes; instead, it adjusts the parameters of components, turns them on/off, or provides other optimization methods to improve performance.

Save time with the package's automatic operations, which handle many tasks for you or provide special buttons for quick actions. You can edit the settings after automatic adjustments if you need more customization.

Apply package components to static and dynamic objects and customize optimization behaviours based on various factors, such as objects hidden behind walls.

The Optimizers version 2.1.5 includes an experimental version of Dynamic Occlusion Culling called "Progressive Culling" (requires additional packages like 'Burst,' 'Jobs,' etc.) and "Scene Tools" to mass-add Optimizers components to all prefabbed objects in the scene.

The package is compatible with all SRPs, including Built-in, LWRP, URP, HDRP, and Custom RP. Convert standard demo materials for demo examples to your specific SRP.
