The Mononodes – RGB Split Tone DCTLS for DR Studio focuses on their functionalities and benefits in color grading. The tools offer precise control over RGB channels for nuanced tonality adjustments in highlights, shadows, and mid-tones.
How to use the tools to apply color grading and shadows on your project?
You can use "Mononodes – RGB SPLIT TONE DCTLS for DaVinci Resolve Studio" for your project design.
With built-in slope functions, they enable fine-tuned adjustments akin to classic film characteristics, while the 'Hi Mid Lo' version enhances control further with pivot sliders. Additionally, it discusses Log Wheels for intuitive tonal range control and DCTL for emulating film-like roll-offs in highlights and shadows.
"Mononodes – RGB Split Tone DCTLS for DR Studio" Samples:
The abstract also touches upon the concept of slope, custom curves, and the added control provided by the 'RGB Split Tone Hi Mid Lo' DCTL.