
Tropical Ambiences - Articulated Sound Effects Libraries

2025-02-10 17:15:59 label 我要反馈
Tropical Ambiences - Articulated Sound Effects Libraries

Tropical Ambiences - Articulated Sound Effects Libraries: In a world where sun and water are abundant life and nature flourish in a vast array of diversity. An unforgettable experience in an exotic land!

This library comprises a diverse collection of 52 deep soundscapes that were made in wild nature.

These exceptional recordings were carefully collected from every part of the tropical ecosystems that make up the most bio-diverse region of Central America. It covers rainforests (jungle) and cloud forests. mangroves, dry forests, as well as other ecosystems (see the list of files included).

Gfx plugin details of Tropical Ambiences - Articulated Sound Effects Libraries

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Recorded at various times of the day, and covering a wide type of weather conditions that include diverse scales of wind and rain forces The sound pack offers access to an array of exotic tropical soundscapes. These exotic and unique recordings will be a great resource in your next productions.

It is also available as stereo and surrounds (Quad and 5.1).

  • 52 immersive, high-quality atmospheres carefully chosen
  • Each one of these settings is between 1 and 4 minutes. They loop in a seamless fashion.
  • Many subsets of ecosystems and subsets of time of day, and the weather conditions
  • A variety of Animals species are listed in the metadata
