Unity asset - Editor Enhancers Bundle v1.1.4: Enhance your workflow with the Quality of Life Improvements bundle, consisting of six assets designed to streamline various aspects of your Unity project management. With vHierarchy, efficiently organize your project's hierarchy by incorporating icons, colors, and other visual cues for improved navigation and organization. vFolders allows you to assign custom icons and colors to folders, further enhancing the clarity and organization of your project structure.
Create a more intuitive workspace with vTabs, enabling you to create customizable tabs for folders, assets, and objects, facilitating easy navigation between different project sections. Pin frequently used assets with vFavorites for quick access, minimizing the time spent searching for essential resources. Measure distances and objects accurately with vRuler, ensuring precise placement and alignment within your scenes.
Simplify large script inspectors and maintain a clean workspace with vInspector, optimizing your workflow and enhancing productivity. Each asset in the bundle is designed to provide a polished and intuitive user experience, minimizing clutter and unnecessary features. Enjoy the flexibility of customizing each feature according to your preferences and access the clean source code included with the assets for further customization and transparency.
After purchasing the bundle, quickly download the assets from their respective pages on the Asset Store, ensuring convenient access to updates and improvements. Elevate your Unity development experience with these essential tools to streamline your workflow and enhance efficiency across your projects.