
Aescripts StrokeStyler v1.0 (Win, Mac)

2025-02-10 17:06:28 label 我要反馈
Aescripts StrokeStyler v1.0 (Win, Mac)

Aescripts StrokeStyler v1.0 (Win, Mac): The endless process of scrolling through your shape layers to locate and set stroke's dashes or taper or setting for waves can take forever. StrokeStyler instantly retrieves those settings automatically and allows you to modify these settings directly within the panel.

StrokeStyler adds the well-loved "Align Dashes to Corners function into After Effects.

Keyframe Detection

StrokeStyler will determine if a dash, taper, or property contains keyframes or an expression applied to it and notify you via the familiar icons above the fields. By clicking the keyframe icon, you will instantly create a keyframe for the moment and won't waste time constantly twirling around the properties.

Align Dashes to Corners

Aligning dashes to edges and the edges of a path in Illustrator is simple. However, it is impossible to do in After Effects until now. StrokeStyler allows you to precisely align dashes to the corners of polygons, rectangles, and even paths you have created.

Default Settings

Do you want to style a lot of strokes in one go? You can change the default settings for taper, dashes, and wave settings and add them to a stroke with just one click.
