BM – Modular Workspaces For Blender 1.7: Modular Workspaces For Blender is an addon and an asset library file created to speed up the initial workflow.
Drag and drop collections from your asset search into your scene. Then, at the touch of a mouse, Modular Workspaces will modernize, unpack, and arrange all the assets you import into collections ready to get you started working.
The product is in the category from Blender Market; for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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Installation method
The Addon
The add-on installation will create an additional tab to the 3D View sidebar. The new tab will display several panels that contain actions that can assist you in unpacking and cleaning the contents of your file.
Furthermore, additional buttons are now available on the Blender interface, making switching between the asset search from the 3-D perspective easier. Your preferred settings for the asset browser will be automatically applied when you open the browser and provide users with a shortcut to access the library's most popular content.
Asset Library File
Asset library files are customizable and completely optional. You need to start the Blend file and alter the existing Node Groups and collections as you would like. You can even include more presets or build your library of assets by starting from the beginning. Unpacking functions for the addon works with any collection asset in any library.
Drag and drop assets from the library of assets into your scene, then unpack at the touch of one button!
Character Display Update
Various lighting designs are now available in the library of assets, offering an option to customize the starting point of rendering stunning characters. Check out the updated video here to observe how the new templates work.