Blender Market – NodeScapes 0.8 Beta 0.8: Because this is an initial BETA Version of this addon, we'll reduce the cost by around 33 percent (to the nearest number of rounds) until we release the final version 1.0.
From the makers of True-Terrain and True-Space... That's right that all the True extensions. These guys created this!
NodeScapes is the next generation in Terrain Creation in Blender. With specially-built node editing software, NodeScapes gives you unlimited possibilities to design anything you like... in the right context of course.
Who are the people NodeScapes is for?
If you're searching for a node-based method to create stunning Terrains, without limitations...
If so, NodeScapes is the tool you need to have in your arsenal!
NodeScapes required to meet three goals before we began the journey
- Something that is familiar (We all know what a Node is)
- Fun (What's not enjoyable about unlimited possibilities?)
- Fast (block it fast, then detail it fast, refine it speedily)
We were left with just one possible outcome Nodes!
- Every person who's utilized Blender has utilized nodes. But, Blender doesn't have an integrated node system to allow mesh generation. So we ruminated and conducted some research and finally decided to design our own mesh generation system.
- We realized that something so new and innovative would require giving the user a simple beginning point familiar with the basics. We've created a variety of custom pre-sets that you can run straight out of the box.
- It allows anyone to start right away to load a pre-set and begin playing around with the nodes and see what's happening.
- Straight out of the gate there's no need to alter any nodes.
- Choose a preset, then select it, then add it. Then you are free to play with as much or as little, as you want, to make something that is truly distinctive!
- Everyone is aware of what a heightmap is, and a majority of Terrain tools allow you to make use of these.
- But very few (if they exist) allow you to play with them, only to play around with them! We do...
Full Nodes
- We wouldn't be a great service in the event that we didn't provide you all the connections you'll need!
- Naturally you'll get all the nodes you're comfortable with. Then , we expand upon that using custom nodes to further manipulate of your own creations
- In our real-world world, the mountains form by millennia of erosion, and plate creation.
- We've got erosion covered and we've got Hydraulic and Thermal starting with.
Grup nodes!
- For version 0.7 We've added "Groups".
- Groups permit you to create custom node trees, then group them, and then make only certain values available to make it clearer and more user-friendly presets that can be easily modified by the user!
"Share is Caring"
- We're hoping to create into a community hub that is a perfect fit that will showcase NodeScapes creations. We've built an export/import function that lets you show off your work to others!