3D clouds that function really well? 3D clouds which render quickly? 3D clouds that respond to the light of the scene? Do you want to find that? Yeah, it's here.
AAA Clouds will make your environments appear more real. It's not a one-click solution, but it's extremely easy to comprehend. At present, there are 15 cloud styles available. Fifteen. If you only have one or two, you could create a truly complex mega-cloud, or simply randomize its shape, size, and rotation, and you'll have an entire sky of clouds. There will be more obvious after we receive some good responses from the users.
The product is in the category from Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Blender Market Aaa Clouds And Cloud Mixer (Blender 3.2.1) v0.1.0,
If you're playing with individual clouds, you can alter their appearance using this tiny Geometry nodes menu. Cloud Mixer's menus are slightly larger however, it's not too frightening. Everything is available in one location. Of course, any changes you make to any cloud will be seen within Cloud Mixer.
IMPORTANT! At present, it is only compatible with using Cycles. The tests were conducted on a Windows machine equipped with the i9 processor. NVIDIA RTX 3090 graphic card, and 128GB of RAM. It offers a very pleasant work experience. If your system configuration is less robust, it could slow down for you, particularly when you'll use a lot of clouds. In regards to Cloud Mixer, have in your mind that it is quicker when you are using fewer various cloud types.