
Blender Market – Ebbawt – Accurate Weight Painting With Armature v1.0

2025-02-10 17:05:42 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Ebbawt – Accurate Weight Painting With Armature v1.0

It all began with the fact that with regard to character rigging, I didn't like the(almost required) weight painting after having created a "Set parent with automatic weights".

Each time I performed this procedure using Blender I was required to return to the step of painting weights. I wanted to complete this once, in a reversible manner, and without having to try a new wheel every time.

Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – Ebbawt – Accurate Weight Painting With Armature v1.0

The product is in the category from Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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In order to reach my goals, I designed EBBAWT This is an add-on that lets you prepare an exclusive armature, EBBAWT Armature that, once saved is able to be altered to be used in a new project or to enhance the current one and perform exactly the same painting each time and for you, it's as easy by clicking "Set parent with automatic weights".

Afterward, EBBAWT tools allow you to get tools to recover a "normal" armature and a mesh object that has a perfect weight painting!

Furthermore, regarding vertex groups, EBBAWT comes with additional tools that assist in making your Blender life simpler!
