Seamlessly edit out of the Desktop & your Mobile Apparatus all in one Preset Pack to get a cohesive appearance regardless of how you edit/photograph. Our Modern Portrait Presets will soften skin, include creamy Vibrant skin tones, add thickness, produce luster and provide your portraits a professional finish. Suitable for Indoor/Outdoor pictures.
User Friendly, Simple to Use, One Click, Lightroom Presets To assist you to attain a much better vision for your own blog. Connect to an installment & Use the video contained in your zip file.
All Of my presets are tested on many different pictures and they're very versatile. As a photographer & editor with over 15 years of Expertise, I utilize these tools to accelerate the workflow and then provide my pictures A cohesive style for the Blog & Instagram.
In Most instances, our presets are one-click but presets work differently every Picture (because of white balance/exposure) that you need to adjust the white Exposure & balance. If you want any help adjusting contact and that I will be Pleased to correct them to fit your images.