Unreal Engine - Demon Anims: Introducing a comprehensive collection of Demon haunting animations for horror games. This asset pack includes 162 animations, covering a wide range of scenarios to elevate the horror experience in your game. With animations like Ambient Scare, Attack, Floor Crawl, First Person, Demon Hide, Jumpscare, Large Size, Movement, Stagger, Transition, Wall Crawl, and Victim, you'll have everything you need to create a chilling atmosphere.
Please note that blueprints for any gameplay are not included; this is strictly an asset pack. Additionally, the character models from the promotional video and images are omitted.
The technical details include pose-matched start and end frames to the provided Idle animation. If using UE4, you don't need to retarget animatretargetuses the default UE4 mannequin. If UE5, you need to retarget using the Eretargettarget tool. Tretargetd-crafted animations are from a professional Animator.