
Legacy Presets by Matty Vogel

2025-02-10 16:51:03 label 我要反馈
Legacy Presets by Matty Vogel

The first 23 Lightroom presets Handmade to shoot your own concert and lifestyle photographs to some other degree.

A One-Click Option & A Learning Tool

In case you are new to the planet of presets those presets will Operate superbly as a one-click alternative in Lightroom or even Lightroom Mobile. You can get amazing effects on your cartoon pictures -- if you are Professionally shooting displays or taking snaps in the front row in your iPhone. Seriously.

And in case you are a pro or amateur concert photographer that Understands the principles of Lightroom, those presets are more precious As a learning instrument. Dissect my curves layers which are handmade to Brighten concert pictures and wash out the shadows. Figure out how exactly I untangle nasty Red-washed light using split-tone processing. It is all in there.

And naturally those preset Arrive grouped and coordinated Beautifully once you import them into Lightroom to keep you fair.
