
David Dubnitskiy – 20 Vintage Presets (XMP)

2025-02-10 16:40:32 label 我要反馈
David Dubnitskiy – 20 Vintage Presets (XMP)

Should You need your audiences, customers, or lovers to feel comfy with your art, It is ideal to receive your colors right in the get-go.

Since The ideal color conveys its message, it communicates the disposition, the Interval, and, above all, emotions. To Put It Differently, color is what ties Everything together on your own photos.

Color Is the science and the artwork behind beautiful photographs

Why Color Stories Presets Remain in the Minds of Your audience?

The Right colors on your photographs will evoke emotions in your audiences as well as the best Feelings will cause them to remember and respect your work.

What Is Included In Your Color Stories Presets Collection?

You will find over 100 color alternatives Which You Can start with. I say begin because I genuinely believe that you will want to create them as soon as you find their power.

By changing a couple of settings in Lightroom, you are going to be on the Right route to your own style.
