How many times have you sat at the computer and not known how to begin designing your next robotic helmet spaceship, futuristic armor, or spaceship?
Through CHAKANA you can create rapid and easy manner designs that serve as the first step towards making new universes and new forms. It is a modeling extension for Blender that focuses on the fundamental phase of creating.
The product is in the category from Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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What is it used for?
Play, design, and create in a straightforward method using a step-by-step process that lets you design the basic design for modeling or sculpting within a couple of minutes. This lets you unleash your creativity without having to think about the topology. CHAKANA creates memories for you.
Who is it for?
Concept designers and artists require an efficient, enjoyable, and professional workflow to facilitate the easy creation of the basic design.