
Aescripts m's Halftone v1.5.2 (Win, Mac-v1.5.0)

2025-02-10 16:52:48 label 我要反馈
Aescripts m's Halftone v1.5.2 (Win, Mac-v1.5.0)

Aescripts m’s Halftone v1.5.2 (Win, Mac-v1.5.0):

m’s Halftone is the After Effects plugin that manages halftone processing. It is quite simple to use: simply insert the result into the coating with no demand for coating maps.

Gfx plugin details of Aescripts m's Halftone

The product is in the After Effects Plugins category from AeScripts, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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Does this product work on Windows and Mac Os? We mostly include the operating system in the title. if it is not written, it will work on Windows, and you can  for the Mac version.

  • Form: Length of a halftone. Three Types of Circle, Square, and Line.
  • Dot Size: The maximum dimensions of halftone along with also the dimensions of this period.
  • Rotation: Halftone agreement angle.
  • Offset: Halftone's beginning place.
  • Alpha: Transparent white location.
  • Sampling: Calculation procedure for halftone size.

Application Ranges are different: for example, the production of comic-like sayings and background Patterns, the production of alterations with gradation.
