
Aescripts Roll it! v1.2 Full (win, mac) + Tutorials

2025-02-10 16:42:02 label 我要反馈
Aescripts Roll it! v1.2 Full (win, mac) + Tutorials

Roll it could roll any intricate contours in After Effects. Honestly, it is more entertaining than it seems! Try it. Pick a form or set of shapes and then click on a button now go and alter Rotation home under layers Change group and see it roll!

Roll it handles complicated shapes easily. Rest assured that it Will roll everything you throw at it. No limitations, except parametric contours needless to say, which must be converted into Bezier Paths prior to rolling.

Wish to roster a Mask Rather than a Shape? You got it! Simply pick a mask and then click on the button and it is setup. What about rolling out a whole layer? Easy! Insert a complete coating Mask and set its mode to none. Kaboom!!!

Roll it's 3 choices: Rolling on Form and Mask, Shape just and Mask only. In the event of a silhouette layer using a mask on it, then it is going to take into consideration both properties by default. SHIFT+click on to roll especially on Shape home or CMD+click to roll up Mask property. This applies when you've got a chosen layer with no nested properties chosen. To roll onto a particular shape/mask route, simply pick that land and click on a button unselected properties will be dismissed and form will roll just on targeted avenues.

  • Precise edge discovery.
  • Handles exceptionally complex shapes.
  • Works with chemical shapes.
  • Supports both Shapes and Masks.
  • More fun than it seems.


  • Roll it functions with Bezier shapes, therefore all of the parametric shapes like rectangle, ellipse, and celebrity, has to be converted into a Bezier shape. To do this twirl open the contour layer and then right-click the contour route by way of instance, Rectangle 1, and choose Convert To Bezier Path.
  • Roll it doesn't work with animated contours as a result of a high amount of trigonometric calculations within expressions, which would otherwise bog down your system.
  • Roll it is fully compatible Using Bodymovin, so all cartoons exported through Bodymovin expansion can be Played on the internet through the body moving participant or in iOS and Android through Lottie. Check out a handful of cartoons and catch AEP job files Sprinkled with Bodymovin on lottiefiles.com